
Every Sunday we get to talk about the living God whose story is in the Bible. The Bible stories reveal wonderful and profound truths: God loves us, He is good, He is powerful, He is personal, and He has a wonderful plan for the world of which we are a very important part.

  • Infants & Toddlers

    These littlest ones have loving and fun childcare with a short Bible and song time each Sunday.

  • 3 years - Kindergarten

    Preschool and kindergarten age children enjoy a BIble story, craft, music, snack, play, and lots of fun at the play stations in their classroom. They learn the major Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation and a new Bible verse every month.

  • 1st - 5th Grade

    Our elementary age children begin with a Large Group Mission Time (with skits, prayer, world focus, liturgical calendar, and the Bible lesson), followed by small groups with their teachers to review the lesson, share and pray.

Our Teachers

We love your kids! Our teachers and caregivers provide quality teaching and fellowship-rich activities. All of our paid and volunteer childcare workers undergo background checks before joining our team. If you are interested in serving with CCKids, please let us know here.

First Sundays

On the first Sunday of every month we provide childcare and classes for infants through Grade 2. Grades 3-5 get to stay in the entire service and have donuts afterwards!

Questions? Contact Interim CCKids Director Kathryn Lopez at