Christ Church Youth Ministry

Mission & Service

Our youth ministry is designed for our youth to invite their friends. We also provide opportunities for them to serve both locally and abroad.

Fellowship & Community

We want our youth to know they belong to Christ and his Church by promoting spiritual friendships through regular rhythms of gathering. 

Discipleship & Spiritual Formation

Through our regular rhythms of gathering our youth are equipped to have a personal relationship with Christ and to live his way where they’re at. Towards this end our youth mentors prayerfully discern how to invite and challenge them to love and follow Jesus. 

Junior High (6-7th Grade)

Senior High (8-12th Grade)

Youth Group meets every Sundays from 12-1:30pm and every second Wednesday of the month at Christ Church.


Mentors engage our youth and their faith by doing life with them. We impress upon the next generation the value of belonging to Christ and his Church by sharing Biblical wisdom and giving Gospel-centered guidance that will help them meet the challenges of living as Christians in the Bay Area. 

Contact Amy with questions about our youth ministry.